Publikationen Deluca A. (geb. Kanovsky)
Diepold, J., Deininger, C., Von Amelunxen, B. C., Deluca, A., Siegert, P., Freude, T., & Wichlas, F. (2023). Comparison of Epidemiological Data of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) Patients in Relation to Disease Severity—A Retrospective Single-Center Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(2), 946.
Wenzel, M. Q., Hofmann, V., Deluca, A., & Wichlas, F. (2022). Radiocarpal collapse after a radiocarpal fracture dislocation despite surgical treatment. J Clin Images Med Case Rep, 3(9), 2029.
Deluca, A., Deininger, S., Wichlas, F., Hofmann, V., Amelunxen, B., Diepold, J., ... & Deininger, C. (2022, December). Follow-Up Chest X-rays in Minor Chest Trauma with Fewer Than Three Rib Fractures: A Justifiable, Habitual Re-Imaging Industry?. In Healthcare (Vol. 10, No. 12, p. 2471). MDPI.
Deluca, A., Wichlas, F., Deininger, C., Traweger, A., Mueller, E. J. Reevaluation of a classification system: stable and unstable odontoid fractures in geriatric patients—a radiological outcome measurement. European Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00068-022-01985-0
Deininger, C., Freude, T., Wichlas, F., Deluca, A., et al. On the black slope – analysis of the course of a blunt renal trauma collective in a winter sports region. European Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery (2021).
Kanovsky, A., Mueller, E.J. Compartment Syndrome: an Acute Femoral Stress Fracture in a Young Male Athlete. Indian J Surg (2021).
Kanovsky, A; Mueller, EJ; Miller, E Secondary profunda femoris artery injury after intramedullary femoral nailing in a geriatric pertrochanteric femur fracture: case report
Eur J Orthop Surg Traumatol 2019: DOI: 10.1007/s00590-019-02500-9
Miller, E; Kanovsky, A; Pinter, G; Mueller, E The Role of Vitamin D Levels in Geriatric Patients with Hip Fractures.
Annals of Orthopedics, Trauma And Rehabilitation 2019; 2(1):1-8.
Liebhauser M, Hohenberger G, Lohberger B, Hauer G, Deluca A, Sadoghi P. Implant breakage after shoulder arthroplasty: a systematic review of data from worldwide arthroplasty registries and clinical trials. BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2023 Oct 11;24(1):804. doi: 10.1186/s12891-023-06922-9. PMID: 37821859; PMCID: PMC10565962.
Deluca, A., Deininger, C., Wichlas, F., Traweger, A., Lefering, R., & Mueller, E. J. (2023). Präklinisches Management bei Traumapatienten und die zunehmende Zahl von Helikopter-Rettungstransporten. Die Unfallchirurgie, 1-8.
Deluca, A., Wagner, A., Faustini, B., Weissenbacher, N., Deininger, C., Wichlas, F., ... & Traweger, A. (2023). Development of a Metaphyseal Non-Union Model in the Osteoporotic Rat Femur. Bioengineering, 10(3), 338.
Dr. med. univ. Amelie Deluca, B.Sc.
2021 Günther Schlag Abstractpreis, ÖGU (Wien, Österreich)
2021 Lorenz Böhler Forschungspreis (Wien, Österreich)
2019 AO Trauma, D-A-CH Nachwuchsförderung (Hamburg, Deutschland)
2019 ECTES 2019 Congress Award (Prag, Tschechische Republik)
2019 ÖGU (Österreichische Gesellschaft Unfallchirurgie) Travel Fellowship ECTES 2019
2018 Doctors Choice Awards (D.C.A.) –Traumaregister (Klagenfurt, Austria)
2011- 2015 Academic Deans List (ASUSM)
2014 USMLE Step 1 Performance Scholarship (ASUMS)
2013 State-Youth-Representation Scholarship (Kärnten, Austria)
2012 Johan Fabien Clinical Tuition Scholarship (ASUMS)
2012 Excellent Student Scholarship (WKO, Kärnten, Austria)
2012 Study-Without-Borders Award and Scholarship (Kärnten, Austria)
2012 Carinthia Provincial Government Scholarship (Kärnten, Austria)
2012 Industrialists Scholarship (Kärnten, Austria)
2011 Departmental Honors for Senior Thesis (IUSB)
2007-2011 Academic Deans List (IUSB)
2007-2011 International Excellent Student Scholarship (IUSB)
2007-2011 IU-Honors Society Award and Scholarship (IUSB)
2009-2011 Leadership Recognition Award (Student Government Association; IUSB)
2009 J. Wesley and Roberta Robbins Scholarship (IUSB)
2009 Who's Who Among Students in American Universities & Colleges; Recognition of outstanding merit and accomplishments (IUSB)
2009 Ernest H. Gerkin Memorial Scholarship (IUSB)
2008 American Heart Association Research Assistant Stipend
2008 Study-Without-Borders Award and Scholarship (Kärnten, Austria)